Friday, July 22, 2011


They eat like crazy and poop like crazy! The poop is called frass and you can see it all around. It is important to keep their area clean. We cleaned several times a day. We usually have them on a plant, but they ate it and these were extra leaves we got from a friend. 

This cat just molted and you can see the old skin on the right. 

The cat secures itself with its silk while it molts. You can see the silk on the glass.

The cat is eating its molted skin. There is nothing to go to waste. They also eat their egg shell first thing after they hatch. 

They secure themselves with silk and hang upside down as they prepare for chrysalis. A transformation is going on under their skin.

They literally shed their skin and expose the shell that was being formed underneath the skin. The next pictures show the shell pushing the skin up from the bottom to the top. They will then twist around to make the skin fall away from the chrysalis. 

The skin at the top must fall away, or rather be pushed as the cat goes into a twisting motion.


Still twisting and the skin does fall away. See the new chrysalis in the back of the picture.

So beautiful, like a jewel.


Male -dots on inner wings

Female - no dots

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