Saturday, November 12, 2011

Our First Frost of Fall was on 11-11-11.

The butterfly garden took its first hit from the cold weather on 11-11-11. It will have to look bad all winter. I can't cut back the Lantana or it will allow the cold to enter through the stalk and it may not come back. Also, there may be black swallowtails in chrysalis on the plant stems and they will not emerge until the spring. I will wait until spring so they will have plenty of time to emerge before I cut anything back. I am already looking forward to next spring, butterfly season. =) We have a Black Swallowtail chrysalis on the ceiling of our front porch and we have the pupa stage of a praying mantis stuck to one of our doors. They will sleep peacefully until spring and we will see them once again. For now we have ladybugs trying to come into the houses to hibernate for the winter. Be kind, let them stay..provide them with some moisture and next spring they will help take care of that aphid problem you may have. Stay warm! I'll be back in the spring. I will have two to three new raised beds for flowers and host plants.

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